Podcast Editing

 Podcast Edit (Per 60 Minute Episode)

The audio is converted to broadcast quality (depending on the original recording quality).

Levelling of volumes

Noise reduction

Mastering & mixdown

Cutting & removing specific audio parts

Anti - Hums

Anti – Hiss

Cross Fading

Insertion of the Intro/Outro & Jingle

Removal of Loud Plosives

Full IO3 tagging


Vodcast Edit (Per 60 Minute Episode)

Your video and audio are converted to broadcast quality (depending on the quality of your original recording).

4 camera angles

Colour grading

Volume levelling

Noise reduction

Audio mixdown & mastering

Insertion of  intro & outro

Cutting & removing specific parts of audio and video


To get a personalised quote for multiple podcasts to be edited and of different lengths, please don't hesitate to contact me.